New Ad: Governor Susana Martinez Fighting For ‘Mom And Pop’ Stores

TV DeveloperNews

Fifth English-Language Campaign Ad Highlights Governor Martinez’s Efforts To Diversify NM Economy

Albuquerque, NM – Governor Susana Martinez launched her fifth English-language television commercial for her re-election campaign titled, “Mom and Pop.” You can view it here:

The ad highlights how Governor Martinez is fighting for small businesses by cutting taxes 24 times and leveling the playing field with neighboring states. Governor Martinez knows first-hand the struggles of starting and running a business, because she helped her parent’s run their small security business.

“Governor Martinez believes the best way to diversify our economy and end our reliance on Washington dollars is to help small businesses grow. That’s why she cut taxes 24 times and slashed red tape that hurts our mom and pop stores,” campaign spokesman Chris Sanchez said. “Gary King, on the other hand, believes our state’s best days were during the Bill Richardson years, so much so, he wants to take us backward and return to them. As a legislator, he raised taxes on the poor, our seniors, food, gas and medicine. We can either go in reverse with King or continue to move our state forward with Governor Martinez’s leadership.”

New Mexico’s economy has relied heavily on federal dollars for a century. After the national recession hammered New Mexico, the state was dealt a second blow – federal budget cuts and Washington gridlock. That hurt New Mexico’s families even more. That’s why Governor Martinez is so focused on diversifying our economy to grow a healthy private sector that will inoculate our state from Washington dysfunction.

The commercial will be running statewide on broadcast and cable.